Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sherlock Holmes - Movie Review

Hey Non-Existent Readers,

I recently went to go see the new film, Sherlock Holmes, in theatres, and found it to be an overall enjoyable experience. For example, if you have read the novels or have any interest in such things, you will find satisfaction in that the storyline is quite fulfilling in its own sense. For those of you out there who maybe aren't avid readers, you may also find relevance if you watch House M.D. The characters House and Wilson and their interactions with one another are extremely similar to those of Holmes and Watson. This, however, leads me into the one flaw I found in the entire cinematic experience. I thought that the story line and character development were a little broken up due to the modern movie-goers obsession with action/fight scenes and inability to focus on an in depth plot for more than 30 minutes. Everytime this movie allows a little bit of insight into the characters, we, as the viewers, are swiftly pulled away into some kind of fight or explosion, or anything else of that sort really. But, as I said, the movie was over good and still manages to recieve a 8/10 on my rating scale. Don't listen to me though. Check it out for yourself!

Later Days,
Ian Skelskey