Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hey Guys and Gals,

I feel like I have yet to use this blog as a method of posting my personal goings on and my general life, so here I go. Are you guys ready to delve deep into the abyss that is Ian's complex and twisted social life? No. You're not. But, I'm going to tell you all about it anyway.

I'll start by introducing myself more personally because I have yet to do this through this blog. I am Ian Skelskey. I'm an average teenaged boy who is far from average.

I have a bit of a talent for all things mathematics. I love to do calculations in my head. When taking tests, I keep the calculator as far out of reach as possible for as long as possible.

I love music, but I have absolutely no work ethic, so although I was able to quickly pick up instruments on my own, I never had the will power to get good at them. I play guitar and piano... poorly. I am, however, quite good at listening to music. I listen to more genres than your body has room for; country, rock, rap, alternative, classical, classic rock, jazz, folk, screamo, metal, and whatever the sound is that babies make when dying. I'm sorry. That was terribly vulgar. I meant fetuses... or feti... or belly babies.

Speaking of unborn children, I have lots of friends, all of who survived the trip out of their mother's vagina. Most of them think I'm gay. When they say these, however, I stand my ground and prove my manliness in anyway possible. The first that I jump is that masculinity, in Latin, was feminine. By following this logic far further than I probably should, I prove by my femininity, how masculine I really am. I love Romans.

Matt is the man. He has been my closest friend since 3rd grade. I'm in fourth grade now... I stayed back. I like Brian. We are gay together. Happiness just flows through my veins whenever he nears me. And by vein... I mean main vein... or penis. Justin lives behind Brian. He's a puss. He has a thing for girls that are capable of breaking him in half... emotionally. His dick's longer than mine. Ryan. He lives up the street from Justin. Ryan's a white man... Well... a black woman trapped in a white man's body. I hate him. Now onto the females. Megan is mean and changes my facebook statuses... stati... more than one status... to obscure things that either openly express my apparent love to her or my lack of humor and surplus of humility. She's the second one this list thus far that is even remotely cool. Brian is a chick.

I take Latin at school.

My pants are wet more often than I'd like to admit.

Cows are my favorite animals.

I like to drink non alcoholic beverages and then walk around with the empty can pretending to be drunk. It gives me an excuse to be a douche bag. I do that at church from time to time.

I'll just leave this here...

Ian Skelskey

Monday, February 8, 2010

Web Scripting

salve literati,

I have recently regained my interest in web scripting. I have written a few basic pages in HTML and CSS, and I think that I have things pretty well understood. I will likely link you guys to a few of my test pages when I am slightly more confident in my scripting abilities. Anyway, I just thought that I'd fill you guys in on the goings-on of Ian Skelskey's life.

Later On,
Ian "Da Man" Skelskey

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sherlock Holmes - Movie Review

Hey Non-Existent Readers,

I recently went to go see the new film, Sherlock Holmes, in theatres, and found it to be an overall enjoyable experience. For example, if you have read the novels or have any interest in such things, you will find satisfaction in that the storyline is quite fulfilling in its own sense. For those of you out there who maybe aren't avid readers, you may also find relevance if you watch House M.D. The characters House and Wilson and their interactions with one another are extremely similar to those of Holmes and Watson. This, however, leads me into the one flaw I found in the entire cinematic experience. I thought that the story line and character development were a little broken up due to the modern movie-goers obsession with action/fight scenes and inability to focus on an in depth plot for more than 30 minutes. Everytime this movie allows a little bit of insight into the characters, we, as the viewers, are swiftly pulled away into some kind of fight or explosion, or anything else of that sort really. But, as I said, the movie was over good and still manages to recieve a 8/10 on my rating scale. Don't listen to me though. Check it out for yourself!

Later Days,
Ian Skelskey

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Needs to be Cleared Up

Hey Guys,

I really need to clear something up right now. No, it doesn't have to be done over the internet, but I'm a lonely computer geek and this audience of no one is all I've got. Anyway. I've been noticing lately that my friends, who have been such for years, have trouble coming to me for advice on any personal matters. This I find extremely frustrating! Listen! When I hear the word advice, I don't immediately start thinking of rainbows and clear skies, or any other number of other "happy" thoughts that have nothing to do with the problem at hand. I don't expect my friend to lie to me or to tell me exactly what I "want" or don't "want" to hear just to make me feel better. I want advice that will solve my problem! This is what I like to think that I provide. When someone comes to me, they can poor their heart out and tell me about all the stupid things they've done, and then me what to do about it. It makes no difference! The first thing that I will do, is ensure that they know exactly how stupid their actions were, then I will work them through a logical and rational solution to their problem.

For example:

"Ian, I'm addicted to heroine and I don't know what to do!" said Ian's retarded friend.

"You're an idiot, but I think I have an idea. After you finish sobbing like an fool, you might want to stop doing heroine and check your self into rehab!" replied Ian. "Thanks for dumping your emotional baggage on me. Have a nice life!"

Okay, so it's not the most accepted approach, my advice is damn effective. Why can't you emotional tards get it? Just because I don't let my emotions dictate every f***ing move I make, doesn't make me heartless, but it sure does make me more likely to give you good rational advice.

So, if you need it,
ask for help.

Ian Skelskey

F*** You!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ocarina of Time Retexture

Hey guys,

I am currently a member of a large scale, community, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time retexture project. Basically what we do is take all of the original textures from Ocarina of Time, fix them up, make them High Resolution, and pop them back into the game. It is a fantastic project and the results are just the same. I suggest that you head over to the site linked HERE and just check things out. I've posted a few textures, and if this kind of thing appeals to you, I would love it if you could help out.

Thanks a Lot,
Ian Skelskey

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just an Old Theory

All human behavior is self-directed. It's true. Humans do not do something for others unless something is done in their favor as a result. Results can be physical, emotional, or even psychological, but they just have to be there! Some people would ask me why I think such terrible things. And, when I simply respond that it's the truth, they then ask why I must vocalize it. I respond, in order for humans to fully understand themselves and the others around them, the truth must be vocalized. Look, I know the sentiments that people like to believe in. I'm not saying that I don't like people who help others. We need people like that. They make our human society what it is today. Don't be confused though, for I am also not saying that they are better or worse people. Just people. All I am saying, is this. If you are going to help others, at least understand and openly express your true reasoning for doing so. People do not help others unless the benefit is mutual. If we did, we would have no souls. We would just be mindless drones. We do not help others because it makes them feel good. We do it, because we enjoy seeing the good effects it has on others. If we were to look at the beneficiary of our kindness and feel nothing but sorrow for our lack of ability to be that happy, then why on God's green earth would we do it? Do we really put that little thought into life? Why be called Homo Sapiens, if we cannot uphold the "Sapiens-portion?" Homo is the Latin word for man, and Sapiens is the Latin for wise. Is truth not the wisest path to more truth, and to more justice, and even to a better life? Why hide what is quite obviously there? Don't you think that crushes relationships, not helps them. I'm going to use a brief, commonly-used social stereotype. If a woman asks a man if a dress makes her look fat, why shouldn't a man simply respond yes if the truthful answer is yes, or no if the truthful answer is no. What difference does it make. Why do we try so hard to lie exactly when appropriate to, or to tell the truth when that seems correct? What would happen if we could all trust one another, and none of the trust was misplaced? What if someone said "I'm going to kill you!" or "I'm going to rob a bank at 2:00 pm Saturday." It would actually happen. Now, as crappy as that sounds, heres the good part. We would know it was going to happen! That's fantastic. Now we can take the appropriate precautions and legal actions to prevent a criminal from successfully performing their crime. The only way we wouldn't know, is if it was never vocalized.

To be continued... I have to go do homework right now.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Acer Netbook Reviews + Apps

Hey readers,

I've recently had the pleasure of fiddling around with an Acer Netbook. You may have seen them advertised on TV recently, and there is a good reason that AT&T and Acer are doing this. With the economy in the state that its in, people are looking to save money anyway that they can and, let's face it, how much cheaper can you get than $299.99 for a portable computing experience. The Acer Aspire One Netbook Series is fantastic. It, unlike so many other products on the market, comes exactly as advertised. These netbooks come with a battery life of 3 hours, allowing for amazing portability. Obviously, they are not the most powerful computers, but they do what they should. For the average computer user Aspire One's serve their purpose. Internet is easy and convenient, whether you are on wifi or a cellular network. Now that I've hopefully convinced you to buy one of these products, I will list some great applications to get you started.

Office: - is a free office suite. That's right. Free! It has all of the standard office apps and can access all the usual formats. Be sure to check this one out.


Skype - With a netbook's pre-installed microphone and webcam, skype is the perfect way to stay in touch with friends and family.

AIM - As far as instant messangers go, aim for AIM. It is the most widely used instant messaging software out there and is extremely simple to use.

Gmail Offline - Need to access your gmail account on the go. No cellular network? No problem. For Gmail users, Gmail offline allows you to download your emails to your computers cache where you can later access them online or off.


Windows Media Player - WMP is standard on all Windows machines, but it is still fantastic for viewing AVI's and DVD's. Be sure to keep this around.

iTunes - iTunes, because of its growing popularity, is pretty self explanatory. You can purchase music, videos, podcasts, and applications. Along with this, also comes playback.

Quicktime - This comes in the iTunes package, do not uncheck this one. It comes in handy when watching, downloading, and converting (only pro users).

Internet Browser:

Google Chrome - I highly suggest the use of Google Chrome as your web browser of choice. It runs quickly and smoothly on netbooks and looks fantastic.

Also Try: Safari and Firefox Lite