Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Vile Passion

I may not be what you might call good with the ladies,
but I was always taught that I only needed to be good with, one.
This was my ideal. Was.
Maybe that's old fashioned.
Maybe I'm out-dated, or not dated at all.
Maybe love stories of old, are of old for a reason.
But, that's too many maybes for me.
Too much uncertainty.
That brand of love seems to have expired.
Is it necessary to throw your passion about, or to share it with many,
as if it was a mere plaything; simply to feel loved?
I don't know about you, but it seems to me that
love has become a frigid and ironically loveless experience.
It seems to cast out the pure at heart,
and reel in those with tainted spirits and defiled bodies.
Now, passion is disgusting.
Little more than a tantalizing lure for the weak-minded.
I'm useless; as will be love if such filth continues to
consume what is left of our feeble excuse for a society.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hey Fellows,

I recently started back up playing my handheld Poke'mon games and I'm surprised to find myself enjoying the same basic games all over again. I began to play through diamond a week or two ago and its not losing its entertainment value at all. These games are nearly endlessly replayable and are all basically the same. I remember the day I got my Poke'mon Red Version and my Gameboy Color. It was the same deal then as it is now. Leave; get Poke'dex; catch Poke'mon; battle trainers; battle gym leaders; battle final people (the equivilent of the Elite Four). I guess I'm just wondering what makes these games just so fascinating. I can't believe that Nintendo is still making money off of these things. The Poke'mon are getting steadily less creative and thusly worse, and no exciting new features are being added. Basically, all that Nintendo has to do, is take my old Red Version slap some more color on it ship it out, and I buy it all over again (cough [Fire Red] cough). And you know what? I fell for it. Here I am with legitimate copies of almost every handheld game in the set! I'm asking a simple question here.

What the F***,
Ian Skelskey